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The state of health of the beluga, lost for almost a week in the Seine, continues to deteriorate. Monday August 8, the journalist Marc Moiroud Musillo was live from Eure to take stock of the situation.
The beluga, which is in a lock 70 kilometers from Paris, Monday August 8, still refuses to eat. “He is not eating, but the good news is that for the moment, his state of health would not deteriorate when it has been almost a week since he was seen in the Seine, in the department of l ‘eure’recalls Mark Moiroud Musillodirect from this department. Since Friday August 5, the cetacean has been under observation in a lock at Notre-Dame-de-la-Garenne (Eure)close to Vernon.
“According to the Sea Shepherd association, the animal is indeed not feeding, but very early this morning, it would have shown renewed activity, which is positive for the association”continues the journalist. The cetacean is always the subject of constant care. The Eure prefecture confirms that transporting the beluga to the sea is one of the solutions under study, but it would not be for today. “In any case, one thing is certain, the euthanasia of the beluga remains ruled out for the moment”concludes Mark Moiroud Musillo.