Orange vigilance was lifted in Aisne and Sarthe on Thursday afternoon by Météo-France.
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The Kirk depression is moving away from France, but the alert remains in order. In its 4 p.m. bulletin, Friday October 11, Météo-France(New window) maintained theEure-et-Loir and Seine-et-Marne on red alert for flood risks. The public body, however, demoted Aisne and Sarthe to yellow vigilance, leaving only Loir-et-Cher in orange.
“The weather situation is calm, with no significant rain in flooded watersheds”noted Vigicrues in its 4 p.m. bulletin. “Under these conditions, the current floods continue their slow propagation towards the downstream areas. Tomorrow, Saturday, the rains forecast for the northern half of the country should not cause a significant reaction to the rivers already in flood.”
In Seine-et-Marne, the peak of the Grand Morin flood passed in the Pommeuse sector, but is “in progress” before the confluence with the Marne. “More downstream, on the section of the Marne from Condé to Charenton, a significant flood is also expected” by Saturday, Vigicrues specifies. Same scenario in Eure-et-Loir, where the flood peak has been reached upstream on the Loir and the Eure, but not yet downstream.
Friday morning, 9,000 homes were still without electricity, according to Enedis. The two departments most affected by this situation were Pyrénées-Atlantiques (5,200 customers without power) and Doubs (1,500).
According to the Interior Ministry, the Kirk depression has left 12 injured at this stage, including one seriously. It concerns a motorist whose car was swept away by water in Pornic (Loire-Atlantique), who was saved at the last minute by firefighters.