The France team faces Germany on Friday at Groupama Stadium in Lyon, Germany, in the semi-finals of the Nations League. The Blues will be able to count on Eugénie le Sommer, back in the forefront after crossing the desert.
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You can be the best director in the history of Les Bleues with 93 goals, have 188 caps, and disappear overnight, for no reason. This is what happened to Eugénie Le Sommer. “In two years, I have had no phone calls, no information, it’s as if my name had been crossed out“, deplores the Olympique Lyonnais striker for franceinfo. Undeterred in the selection since her big debut in 2009, “ELS” did not expect to experience a gap in her international career. She looked back on this difficult period and her return to grace, before the Nations League semi-final against Germany, Friday February 23.
Under the mandate of Corinne Diacre, the previous coach, the 34-year-old player was banned from the France team, between 2021 and 2023.I was in the United States at the time [à l’OL Reign] and after each list, I told myself that if I was not in that one, I would be in the next one because my performances were up to what was needed to be in the French team“, she remembers. “I had one disappointment after another, I didn’t understand why because I was told that the reasons were sporting and I gave everything. I asked myself questions, obviously.“
“People forget quickly”
Eugénie le Sommer, despite an incredible track record built at Olympique Lyonnais with eight Champions League wins and national titles in spades, thought she would disappear from the French women’s football landscape.
“The French team brings a lot of light. When you are no longer there, you are quickly forgotten. I have experienced it.”
Eugénie Le Sommer, striker for the French teamat franceinfo
“People thought that I no longer had the level, that I no longer had my place in the selectionshe assures. We had to turn the page. People didn’t necessarily see my matches on weekends when it was only in clubs. Plus I was in the United States at the time, people quickly forgot me.“But the pocket attacker held on. She always believed in her lucky star.”In my head I never said to myself that it was over.“
Renard’s call, a “magical” return to the Blues
And last year, his phone rang again: on the line was Hervé Renard, newly appointed coach of the Bleues. “He’s the one who actually called me. He’s the only one to have done it“, recalls the French striker with emotion. On March 31, 2023, Eugénie Le Sommer regained her place in the list of 23 and immediately competed in the World Cup last summer, where she reached the quarter-finals with the Blue.”It was like the first time, I was a little upset, I was waiting for this so much that, yes, it was weird (smiles). For me, it was borderline magical.“
Magical, perhaps, but anything but a surprise for David Ducci, assistant to national coach Hervé Renard: “He had the good idea to call her back (laughs). Since her return, we can only be pleased with her state of mind, with what she brings to the team through her talent and her experience. She is a player of very high quality, who deserves to reach heights with the France team.“
Promoted to captain Friday in the absence of injured Wendie Renard, Eugénie Le Sommer remains an example for her teammates. “She’s incredible, I think that’s the word that defines her best.“, enthuses defender Elisa De Almeida for franceinfo. “Her level doesn’t surprise me, because when I was little and I watched her play, she already played the same way (smiles).”
With seven goals scored in thirteen matches since her return to the Bleues, Eugénie Le Sommer, who reached the milestone of 300 goals with Olympique Lyonnais, now only aspires to one thing: to finally win a title with the Bleues. Starting with the Nations League, before aiming for Olympic gold this summer in Paris.