Europe is among those that pay the least for imports of Chinese electric cars, recalls Renaud Kayanakis.
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The 36% tax being considered by the European Union on Chinese electric cars can be explained by “the need to preserve our industry”according to Renaud Kayanakis, transport expert at the SIA Partners firm, guest of franceinfo Tuesday August 20, but Europe is also “a bit of a village idiot”since it is one of those that taxes this industry the least.
“In Europe, imports are taxed at 10%, while in the United States it is 100%, in India it is between 70% and 100%, and in Turkey it is 40%.”the expert explains, “so we return to a common situation which is observed on other markets.”
This measure still requires the approval of the member states of the European Union to be adopted, but China has already announced its opposition to these European surcharges, promising “reprisals”according to Renaud Kayanakis, “which will probably affect the battery market, which is very dependent on China.”
“We are in an industry that represents 2,500,000 direct jobs in Europe, more than 10,000,000 indirect jobs, so we need to preserve this industry and have market conditions that are bilateral and similar between the different territories, which was not possible with these 10% taxes.”concludes the expert.