EU meets to discuss ‘possible measures’ in response to explosion of cases in China

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09:09 : It’s 9 a.m., here’s a new point on the news:

Faced with an explosion of cases in China, the European Commission is today convening a meeting to “discuss (…) possible measures for a coordinated approach” of EU states. Follow our live.

“The variants circulating in China are the same as those circulating in Europe”, said this morning on franceinfo Bruno Lina, member of Covars. The virologist wanted to be reassuring while pointing out the need for transparency on the part of the Chinese authorities on the number of cases and variants circulating in the country.

Ukrainian Air Force denounces strikes this morning “massive” of Russian missiles on several cities of the country, including the capital kyiv. Follow our live.

The United States is slowly emerging from a historic storm that has claimed at least 59 lives, but its impact continues to be felt in the Buffalo area and at airports, with hundreds of thousands of passengers having their flights canceled.

08:59 : Faced with this explosion of cases in China, the European Commission is today convening a meeting to “discuss (…) possible measures for a coordinated approach” of EU states. Follow our live.


08:59 : ? Covid in China: soon measures in France? ➡️ “We are not going to impose restrictions for fun. We rely on what the doctors tell us. We have a vaccine that protects. We must not scare people”, says Maud Bregeon, who “calls” to recall the vaccine.

08:58 : For Renaissance MP Maud Bregeon, guest on franceinfo, “the question of tests on arrival could be asked” to “protect the French” in the face of the surge in cases in China.

08:36 : The virologist also confirmed the existence of a form of immunity, acquired “either during infections”either by “the vaccination”. According to him, however, there remains “a risk for fragile people” such as over 60s and immunocompromised people.

08:35 : What matters, according to Bruno Lina, is “to have information that comes from China” regarding the number of cases and the variants circulating in the country. “The Chinese must be transparent”adds the virologist.

08:36 : “The variants circulating in China are the same as those circulating in Europe.”

Bruno Lina returned to the epidemic outbreak of cases in China, on franceinfo. The virologist wanted to be reassuring, saying that a person returning from China “would carry the same viruses as those infected in Europe”.

08:00 : It’s time for our traditional press review. Today the newspaper The echoes focuses on the unprecedented epidemic outbreak affecting China and which raises fears of repercussions in the world. Several countries have already introduced checks on Chinese travelers on the eve of the reopening of the country’s borders on January 8.


07:36 : We start right away with a point on the news:

The Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu, said during his first trip to kyiv yesterday that he wanted to work to meet Ukrainian military needs. “for the weeks to come”. Volodymyr Zelensky and Emmanuel Macron asked “to make them proposals for the month of January to redefine an agenda” on French military support, he said during a press conference with his Ukrainian counterpart, Oleksiï Reznikov.

Pope Francis announced that his predecessor Benedict XVI, aged 95, was “seriously ill” and that he was praying for the one whose resignation in 2013, for health reasons, had taken the world by surprise.

The abrupt end this month of China’s “zero Covid” policy as the country experiences an explosion in cases is raising concern from several countries, including the United States, which will require negative tests for Chinese travelers . Emmanuel Macron has “requested appropriate protective measures“of the French in the government, which ensures “follow the development of the situation in China very carefully.

The United States is slowly emerging from a historic storm that has claimed at least 59 lives, but its impact continues to be felt in the Buffalo area and at airports, with hundreds of thousands of passengers having their flights canceled.

source site-29