EU details proposals for new visa restrictions for Russians

These proposals, which include the increase in the cost of the visa or the extension of the examination procedures, could be voted on during the week by the Member States.

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The European Commission detailed on Tuesday, September 6 the proposals aimed at tightening the conditions for granting visas to Russian citizens and providing for the non-recognition of Russian passports issued in the occupied areas of Ukraine. These measures had been the subject of a political agreement by the European Ministers of Foreign Affairs at the end of August.

“(Russian) military aggression is not only aggression against Ukraine, it is also a threat to our security. Russian citizens must not have easy access to the European Union, and of course be a tourist in the EU is not a fundamental right”European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson said during a press briefing.

The cost of the visa will increase from 35 to 80 euros for all Russians, the examination procedure will be extended from 10 to 15 days and may go up to 45 days, restrictions will apply on multiple entry visas, more documents will be required for a file. Ylva Johansson said she was confident that this text would be adopted by the Member States this week, for the new regime to come into force on Monday.

>> European Union suspends agreement on visa facilitation for Russians

Once the text is adopted, the European Commission will present guidelines for the attention of the Member States on the issuance of visas to Russians, to strengthen the examination of applications from a security point of view, to give priority to those who must be dealt with quickly, “for humanitarian reasons for example”and “de-prioritize” tourist visas, explained Ylva Johansson. Last week, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the suspension of visa facilities for Russians a “ridiculous decision part of a series of absurdities”.

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