EU approves 10th sanctions package against Russia with ‘tighter export restrictions’

A year after the start of the invasion by Russian forces, the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union announced on Friday the adoption of this new set of measures.

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The European Union approved on the evening of Friday February 24 a new set of sanctions aimed at hitting the economy of Russia and Iranian companies accused of supporting its invasion of Ukraine, which began just a year ago, announced the Swedish presidency on its Twitter account.

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“A year has passed since Russia’s brutal and illegal invasion of Ukraine. Today the EU approved a 10th sanctions package which includes tougher restrictions on the export of technology and dual-use goods, targeted restrictive measures against persons and entities that support the war, disseminate propaganda or deliver drones used by Russia in the war and measures against Russian disinformation”said the Swedish Presidency.

Poland lifted its reservations at the end of the evening without having obtained the hardening of the new set of sanctions judged “too soft, too weak” by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki during his visit to kyiv to deliver the first German-made Leopard 2 battle tanks promised by Warsaw.

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