Etienne Daho absent from the funeral of his faithful friend…

On July 19, singer and actress Dani died at the age of 77 following an illness in the Tours region. Shocking news for Étienne Daho who, in 2001, caused a sensation thanks to his title “Like a boomerang” in duet with the star. Touched by the death of his stage partner, the artist paid him a last tribute through a moving message shared on social networks. ” Dani, We spoke again last night. You were totally into the project, your next album and you wanted us to record it together. The title Attention, departure! Like a premonition. I only saw a new chapter “wrote the singer under a series of photos of the deceased. And to continue: So many memories, laughs, friendship and music come back to me. This story begins. And this Boomerang, like a sign from Serge and that we carried so high “.

Étienne Daho also took the opportunity to highlight the multiple talents of his missing friend. ” You the unclassifiable, free, so young. Model, actress, magazine leader, singer, rose grower. You did everything with the elegance of dilettantes, surfing, off the beaten track, without allowing yourself to be locked up in the boxes in which we wanted to lock you up. A beautiful statement.

Funeral at the Cathedral of Saint Jean-Baptiste in Perpignan

This Tuesday, July 26, many celebrities were therefore present at the cathedral of Saint Jean-Baptiste, in Perpignan to attend the funeral of Dani. Among the latter: Jo Maso and his wife, Gérard Lanvin, the singer Cali and his partner Caroline Chevreux, Anthony Delon or even Mathilde Seigner wanted to pay tribute to the star. Unfortunately, Étienne Daho was conspicuous by his absence. It is on social networks that the singer preferred to say goodbye to his faithful friend. ” My Dani, have a good trip for an endless beautiful summer. Love always as you said. Etienne “, he wrote in a last post.


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