eternal imbroglio for the French


France Info

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During the night of Sunday, October 31, at 3 o’clock it will be 2 o’clock. The French will therefore sleep an hour longer. A return time change when Europe wanted to remove it.

Go forward or backward an hour, twice a year, doubt sets in. The change to winter time is good during the night of Sunday, October 31. At 3 a.m., it will finally be 2 a.m. “It’s going to get dark a lot sooner, it’s pretty depressing”, testifies a resident of the capital. “It’s ridiculous, we’ve been talking about it for 40 years and nothing has changed for all that”, adds a retiree.

The European Union had scheduled the end of the time change for 2021, but discussions between member countries are not moving forward. In the south of Europe, countries like France, Spain and Portugal, summer time is popular while in the north, the Nordic countries prefer winter time. “I ask at the European level that a European coordination be put in place to obtain a consensus”, says Karima Delli, MEP EELV.


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