Esther Mérino, the energetic publisher from Limoges, tells her story …

The limousin was not his first French destination, there was a small journey before: Issy-les-Moulineaux, Paris then the Eastern Pyrenees, in Prades and finally, in 2013, arrival in the limousin.

I arrived in 1997, a bit by chance …

Chance“, she says with humility, but her journey is punctuated by these signs of destiny that she has been able to grasp, thus creating, despite the vicissitudes of life, an exciting path. Her path.

I only had to stay a year to learn the language“, she specifies twenty-four years later!

The student, an au pair, has turned into a seasoned editor. After creating the house Sol y Moon, in 2019, she resumed theeditions of Monédières, formerly Brivists and now based in Limoges.

Limoges, a city of culture

I hope that the Limougeauds are aware of it […] here, we have a very abundant cultural offer“Esther Mérino then cites cinema, independent cinema, opera, the library”awesome“, the Union theater, the book fair, ..

No doubt, our Madrilenian has adopted his region and feels happy there. Through his enthusiastic gaze, we rediscover our city and remember its attractions.

Very surprised to find so many Spaniards here … “

A very present community, for several generations. The opportunity to give us some good addresses of restaurants where you can eat Spanish but also to tell us about the gastronomy of your country …

Listening to him tell us about his Spain means enjoying an oasis of heat in the heart of winter: to consume without moderation!

Discover the website of the Editions des Monédières

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France bleu Limousin hopes you had a pleasant trip with Esther Mérino …

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