Estelle Lefébure radiant against Mr. Pokora and Philippe Lellouche in Vivement dimanche

Sunday, October 24, 2021, France 2 will broadcast a new issue of Roll on Sunday and Roll on next Sunday. Michel Drucker thus received new distinguished guests on his famous red sofa, to the delight of viewers.

In Roll on Sunday, the public will have the pleasure of meeting Estelle Lefébure, Matt Pokora and Philippe Lellouche. All three come to promote the play The Great Ambitions. A comedy directed by the former companion of Vanessa Demouy, which has been playing since September 17 at the Théâtre de la Madeleine. It tells the story of Fred and Yvan, two inseparable friends whose karaoke went bankrupt. Since then, they let themselves be carried away, a situation that annoys Charlotte, Fred’s wife, which pushes him to pass a new job interview. But the other ambitions of the two friends could spoil everything. Doctor Marcel Ichou and cartoonist Emmanuel Chaunu will also be present.

Then, Michel Drucker will give an interview to the actors Niels Arestrup and François Berleand for the play 88 times infinity, written by the wife of the first. They embody half-brothers who see each other again after fifteen years of absence. This is the first time they have shared the stage together. And it is at the Théâtre des Bouffes-Parisiens that the public can admire them. Dany Boon will promote his Netflix film 8 street of humanity, that happens during containment. We can follow seven families who remained confined in a building in the 11th arrondissement. Comedian and humorist Alex Vizorek will make people laugh and mentalist Viktor Vincent impress.

Artus, Yvan Attal, Jeremy Lopez, cyclists and lovers Julian Alaphilippe and Marion Rousse also made Michel Drucker happy to come.

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