Estelle Denis lets go and talks about her relationship with Raymond Domenech like never before!

Thursday September 22, in “Estelle midi”: we are not going to lie to each other”, on RMC, Estelle Denis and her columnists launched the debate: “Can we be happy without children?” A question which prompted a listener to testify. Sofiane, 41 years old and catering manager in Essonne wanted to share his pain, not having a child yet. “I am 41 years old and I have no children.”, he explains. “Oh, you still have time!“, then continues the host. “Yes finally good to have a child at what age, forty years old, fifty years old, in twenty years I will be sixty years old. I think I missed the boat, the opportunity didn’t come up and suddenly the years go by and you see the people around you having children, getting married, which is a normal path for me. Transmitting his knowledge, an education, and then the family name. In short yes it is heavy and we think about it. And then being in a relationship today is complicated.”, says the listener.

I say it sincerely Estelle I think I missed something. I’m not saying to miss my life but I think I missed something.“, deplores the young forties. A testimony that will upset Estelle Denis and push the host to make rare confessions about the couple she formed for many years with Raymond Domenech, father of her two children Victoire and Merlin.But then I find it very touching what you say. Sofiane I experienced the case personally, I had a companion with whom I had a child very late and they are the happiest children in the world and he takes care of it a lot and I mean it’s an amazing dad.“, explains the facilitator before specifying: “Here I tell you and I never talk about my personal life because your testimony touches me but you can have a child at fifty and your child will be extremely happy and you will be a fulfilled dad.


See also: Estelle Denis shares a rare photo of her daughter Victoire, Internet users amazed by their resemblance!

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