Estelle Denis goes live with one of her columnists

Present every day of the week on RMC in his show Estelle Midi: we are not going to lie to each other, Estelle Denis hosts a talk show that does not lack spice or atmosphere. Regularly, the program causes the buzz on the Web by the tenor of the debates and by the intervention of certain columnists. Monday May 30, 2022, the ex-girlfriend of Raymond Domenech wanted to react to his speakers of the day on the controversy created by the excesses which disrupted the final of the Champions League on Saturday May 28 in front of the Stade de France.

The former host of the L’Équipe channel asked Périco Légasse if the course of events was “a shame for France”. “It’s a great shame… but why for France? It’s a big shame for football“, then answers the columnist. What to make Estelle Denis react: “For soccer? What’s football got to do with it? It is not the footballers who have defrauded.” “This is the world of football“then takes up the very upset journalist who adds:”I thought it was a world of brotherhood, conviviality, friendship, that it was sport. How come we had scenes of barbarism? Then, whether there was a gap or unpredictability in the organization by the public authorities… But what does that mean? That it’s savages and barbarians, tigers in heat that we let loose…“Words that will then bring the host out of her hinges:”No way ! There were 40,000 supporters who had either counterfeit tickets or no tickets. Those who got fake tickets are people who bought tickets thinking they were real. So they arrive in front of the stadium after doing Liverpool-Paris and they are told ‘well no sir…‘”

Exceeded by the rant of Périco Légasse, Estelle Denis then got carried away: “What about the police who gas people who haven’t done anything? There’s no problem?” “At some point, you have to restore order. There, there may have been a blunder… Oh well, it doesn’t matter then!“.”At the start, it was after all the world of football which was rotten, which was crazy and which had become absolutely barbaric. […] The round ball makes you stupid!“, concluded the columnist.


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