“Esteban Ocon and Pierre Gasly reunited at Alpine, it’s a great story for France,” said Cyril Abiteboul, former boss of Renault.

The first Grand Prix of the season will take place in Bahrain on Sunday.

After a year marked by the overwhelming domination of Max Verstappen and the Red Bull team, Formula 1 will resume its rights on Sunday March 5, during the first Grand Prix of the 2023 season in Bahrain. Between novelties, certainties and questions, Cyril Abiteboul, former manager of Renault (now Alpine) and consultant for franceinfo: sportcame back in detail on this new edition of the premier category of motorsport.

Franceinfo: sport: Like every year, there have been changes in the regulations (weight of the cars, solidity of the roll bar, fuel temperature, etc.). Can these modifications reshuffle certain cards on the track?

Cyril Abiteboul: I do not think so. We are more in a year of consolidation and continuity, after the major upheavals of last season. For the first time in the history of Formula 1, there had been a very visible evolution on the aerodynamics which had been worked out through simulations, science and engineering, in an attempt to have cars much more spectacular and a much more competitive grid. It was really a great technical revolution. This year, I don’t expect the grid to be turned upside down.

“In this period of regulatory stability, we will have a much more compact grid and therefore an even more intense show than last year.”

Cyril Abiteboul

at franceinfo: sport

The striking novelty of this season is the arrival of Pierre Gasly in the tricolor Alpine team, who will form a 100% French duo with Esteban Ocon. What does this association represent for the development of Formula 1 in France?

It’s a great story for them personally and also a great story for France. Generally speaking, having ambassadors who talk about our sport, who embody it and bring it to life is important. Formula 1 is powerful in Germany thanks to Michael Schumacher, in England thanks to Lewis Hamilton, in the NetherlandsDown thanks to Max Verstappen… Indeed, France, which does not have a national Grand Prix this year, needs these speeches and this narration embodied by pilots. But what is important above all for this story to be heard and to be perpetuated is that the pilots shine and that they are in a stable that allows them to succeed.

15 years after the departure of Jean Todt, who won everything with Ferrari (8 constructors’ championships and 6 drivers’ championships from 1999 to 2008), a new Frenchman, Frédéric Vasseur, took over as head of the Italian team. What are the expectations surrounding his arrival?

You have to ask Fred the question (laughs)! Seriously, Ferrari has overhauled its organization after finishing second last year, so expectations can’t be anything other than winning. It’s a title that has eluded them since 2008. It’s a team that has regularly changed its organization and its manager since the departure of Jean Todt. Victory could come this year. What it will take is finding stability and giving Fred time to bring the team back to the forefront.

For Frédéric Vasseur to bring Ferrari back to the fore, as you say, Red Bull will have to be surpassed. Sanctioned by the FIA ​​for exceeding the budget cap by 1.6% during the 2021 season, the Austrian team still stood out during testing in Bahrain last weekend. Will Red Bull’s dominance continue this season?

When we say to ourselves that the 2023 season should be a continuation of last season, I don’t see why Red Bull’s domination would be different. And yet last year, with the new regulations, they did not start in the best way. This shows that they were able to understand their mistakes, to raise the bar and ultimately crush everyone in the development race.

“The strength of Red Bull is this ability to dominate and crush its opponents in periods of regulatory stability.”

Cyril Abiteboul

at franceinfo: sport

Who are the other favorites according to you?

I have a hard time imagining that the top 3 of the last years is not the top 3 of this year. I think Red Bull has the advantage. Behind, it will be played between Ferrari and Mercedes.

Apart from these three, which are the stables to follow?

I think there are two stables to follow with interest. The first is Aston Martin, because they made a name for themselves by setting quite remarkable times during testing with Fernando Alonso. The second is Alpine, because it’s a bit like my favorite team, but beyond that, I think it’s a team that is perfectly equipped since the budget caps were put in place. 3 years ago. In terms of financial and technical resources, Alpine is on par with the best teams today. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them reach a new level this season.

The new Las Vegas Grand Prix, scheduled for November 18, 2023, will be the penultimate stage of the season. Can the late arrival of a new circuit change the situation?

It’s a good question, it’s hard to say for this Grand Prix precisely. When we develop the car, we are very attentive to the level of downforce required for each circuit. The fact that the Las Vegas circuit takes place late in the season is rather an advantage in the end. The teams will have time to anticipate and develop a really particular package on the car if necessary.

Red Bull put on a show during the festivities organized to promote the Las Vegas Grand Prix on November 5, 2022. (WADE VANDERVORT / AFP)

This Las Vegas Grand Prix will allow Liberty Media, owner of Formula 1 since 2017, to develop the attraction around this sport. What could be better than doing a Grand Prix in the temple of spectacle and entertainment?

When the leaders of Liberty Media arrived, on the first exchanges we had with them, they announced two objectives to us: to develop from a digital point of view and to add the United States and China to the calendar. We have seen the extraordinary work they have done, especially on Netflix. They couldn’t completely do China, but the United States did. I think we just have to salute the quality of the strategy of this new Formula 1 promoter, which has changed everything in this sport.

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