Estate of Boris Johnson | The two Tory candidates faced off in a final debate

(London) The two Conservative candidates vying to become Britain’s next head of government faced off on Wednesday for the 12e and last time in front of the party members called upon to decide between them.

Posted at 5:40 p.m.

Foreign Minister Liz Truss is favored by pollsters to replace outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson, facing his rival Rishi Sunak.

Postal and online voting for some 200,000 party members, which began earlier this month, ends on Friday. The winner will be announced next Monday and will take up duty in Downing Street the following day.

Mme Truss said if elected she will “focus on energy prices for consumers and how to revive the UK economy”.

She has pledged to cut taxes to spur growth, but has yet to say how she will help Britons cope with rising bills this winter, when millions are at risk of not to be able to pay their heating costs, in particular.

Former finance minister Rishi Sunak has said controlling inflation will be his top priority, saying Truss were too bold.

Whoever wins the consultation could struggle to bring the Tories together as divisions have been deepened by the bitter power struggle.

Mr. Sunak adopted a more conciliatory tone towards Truss at Wednesday’s meeting, held in front of thousands of Conservative Party members gathered in London’s Wembley Arena.

Britain is due to hold a general election no later than January 2025, but it could be brought forward. According to recent polls, the Conservatives should have a hard time holding on to power.

The Labor Party, the main opposition party, has a double-digit lead over the Conservatives in opinion polls, in a context of deteriorating economy.

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