Establishment of factories, savings… What the “green industry” bill contains

The government’s plan for the “industrial reconquest” of France, aimed at promoting carbon-free reindustrialization, is being examined at first reading in the National Assembly from Monday.

This is the last major reform on the parliamentary agenda before the summer break. The debates on the bill on the green industry start Monday, July 17 afternoon in the National Assembly. With this text, presented in May and adopted on June 22 in the Senate, the government aims to reindustrialize the country while boosting the economy of ecological transition, thanks to around fifteen proposals, on three main axes.

Facilitate the establishment of factories

By simplifying and accelerating the procedures, the bill sets the objective of halving the average time required to obtain authorization to open a factory, currently estimated at seventeen months. For some projects “of major national interest”, designated by decree, an exceptional procedure is provided for, giving control to the State. This plan aims to encourage players in wind or photovoltaic energy, manufacturers of heat pumps, batteries or the carbon-free hydrogen sector to set up in France.

In the Senate with a right-wing majority, the text had been reworked to involve communities more, in particular for these projects “of major national interest”. Worried about seeing the procedures slowed down, the government and the deputies of the presidential camp have rectified the situation by amendments in committee. The principle of a “conform opinion” from local authorities at the end of the procedure has thus been replaced by an agreement to be given upstream.

The executive also wants to speed up the rehabilitation of wasteland to provide more space for industrialists. It intends to make available about fifty depolluted sites, thanks to an envelope of one billion euros. The deputies also deleted in committee an article introduced by the Senate which excluded projects stamped “green industry” from the binding limits of artificial land.

Financing so-called “green” industrial projects

To finance green industry, the government relies on private savings rather than public money. By creating a new product for those under 18, the “future climate savings plan”the executive hopes to collect one billion euros, which will be managed by the Caisse des dépôts et consignation and injected into so-called “green”. This booklet, which can be opened by the parents from the birth of the child, will be exempt from taxes and charges, and better remunerated than the booklet A, because the funds will be blocked until the majority of the beneficiary. right.

>> What is the new “future climate savings plan” intended to finance green industry and reserved for minors?

By further mobilizing retirement savings plans and life insurance, the executive also hopes to release an additional four million euros to invest in so-called industrial projects. “green”. The text also provides for the creation of a “green industry label” to inform investors and highlight technologies that are more respectful of the environment and compatible with climate issues.

These incentives must be supplemented by the creation of a tax credit for companies that invest in green industries, with the finance law for 2024, debated in the fall.

Helping “more virtuous” companies

Another part of the text plans to promote, in public procurement, “Environmentally virtuous products”. Public aid could also be conditional “on a virtuous trajectory”. The government also intends to simplify theuse of recycled waste as raw material and reuse of production residues.

Emmanuel Macron also wants to invest 700 million euros in the training of “jobs of the future” and rethinking the bonus for electric cars, in order to take into account the carbon footprint of their production. These budgetary provisions will complement the plan “green industry” of the executive.

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