Essential oils in the kitchen with Mariette from la Cuisine de Mariette

It is a real palette of colors and above all of tastes available to you from aperitif to dessert.

Mariette’s cuisine is:

– Products bursting with life

– A touch of wild plants

– A good dose of fun

– A bit of mischief

Mariette leads workshops. Note the next ones:

– Sunday, Nov. 13, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at la Thoirzanerie (Thoiry, 73)

– Sunday 4 Dec. 10am-2pm at the Thoirzanerie (Thoiry, 73)

To register: HERE

More info on Mariette’s Kitchen website

Choosing quality essential oils: an imperative!

The first essential thing is the quality essential oil especially if you wish to ingest it.
Beware of cheap oils. Imagine that the plants have been sprayed with pesticides and then distilled: we recover the very concentrated essential oil, but also very concentrated pesticides!

An essential oil is by definition 100% pure and natural… it’s written on all the packaging and yet they are not all equal, far from it! According to the Aromatic Plant Research Center, 80% of essential oils on the world market are adulterated in one way or another (solvents, dilution, substitution of one plant by another, synthetic molecules, etc.).

So concretely, how do you find a quality essential oil?

Either you know the producer and you have great confidence in his way of working: the plants are local, grown without chemicals, harvested and distilled according to the rules of the art.

Either you will have to rely on a label. Here is the label recommended by Mariette which can guarantee you the total absence of pesticides, solvents and synthetic molecules in your bottle, it is the CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade ® label. This is why she chose to work only with essential oils of doTERRA

THE KITCHEN TRICK with Geneviève du Papilles and Papote restaurant in Entre-deux-Guiers. A kitchen without: sugar, fat, milk, gluten, cooking

Today, she shares her recipe for a sweet raw pie made from dried fruits!

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