Erwan (Secret Story), the transgender candidate is a dad: his daughter, adorable little blonde, has grown up!

Remember that in January 2019, Erwan had already discussed his new life exclusively for “I have been in a relationship for eight years. Her name is Juliette, we already knew each other before my participation in Secret Story, he said. And I‘have a baby ! She is a little girl who will be 3 months soon.“This small family was then an unnamed happiness for the transgender candidate of Secret Story. “Being a father is the most beautiful thing that could have happened to me, there is not even a word“, he had declared.

In the process, he revealed that he had changed sex five years after his passage in the House of Secrets. “I had at least five operations. Mastectomy, hysterectomy, an intervention that allows in France to change sex on civil status. And then, afterwards, there was all that is genital reconstruction. It happened in three steps for me“, revealed the young nurse who is now enjoying happy days in Savoie, where he moved to be closer to his family.

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