Erosion of democracies around the world continues, says report

(Stockholm) Nearly half of the world’s countries are experiencing a decline in their democratic systems, according to a benchmark report on democracy in the world published Thursday, which notes this year’s longest “democratic recession”.

“This is the sixth year in a row that we have seen more democracies in decline than in progress,” notes Michael Runey, co-author of the report from IDEA International, the international institute for democracy and democracy, for AFP. electoral assistance.

He adds that this trend represents the longest “democratic recession” the organization has observed since it began collecting data in 1975.

To produce these reports and assess the state of democracies around the world, the think tank, which covers most of the world’s countries, uses several democratic indicators such as civil liberties, judicial independence and political participation.

According to the report, “the foundations of democracy are weakening around the world,” with problems “ranging from flawed elections to restricted rights.”

Of 173 countries surveyed, 85 performed poorly on at least “one key indicator of democratic performance over the past five years.”

Regarding representation, the report points to “a notable decline”, particularly in the area of ​​elections and the proper functioning of Parliaments, but also of the principle of the rule of law including the independence of the countries’ judicial systems.

“We are also seeing a decline in historically successful democracies in Europe, North America and Asia,” says Michael Runey.

This wave of decline of democratic systems at a global level can be illustrated, among other things, by the coups d’état on the African continent.

In the category of rights, the authors indicate that freedom of expression and freedom of assembly have experienced several declines, without being significant at the overall level. When it comes to the rule of law, improvements have been noted “after many years of stagnant levels of corruption,” according to the report.

“We see signs of hope in isolated countries around the world” such as in Central Europe or on the African continent. “But overall, the picture remains very negative,” he concludes.

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