Eric Zemmour’s trial for incitement to racial hatred has begun


Article written by

B. Delombre, N. Perez, M. Felix, E. Brouillard, O. Pergament – France 3

France Televisions

Éric Zemmour is tried on Wednesday November 17 for his comments on unaccompanied migrant minors. He had called them “thieves”, “murderers” and “rapists”. The far-right polemicist did not appear in court in Paris.

In front of the Paris court, Wednesday, November 17, no trace of Eric Zemmour. But a dozen of his supporters made the trip when the far-right polemicist is once again called to appear in court for his comments made on television. In autumn 2020, he described unaccompanied migrant minors as “thieves”, of“assassins” and of “rapists”. “There is media fierce and judicial harassment against Eric Zemmour”, says one of his supporters.

Already convicted twice for facts of a similar nature, Eric Zemmour is being prosecuted in particular for complicity in provocation to racial hatred for his comments made on CNews after an attack in front of the former premises of Charlie Hebdo. These words have targeted those called unaccompanied minors. These young migrants, mostly from Africa or the Middle East, came to try their luck in Europe. For Me Patrick Klugman, lawyer for the association SOS Racisme, the words of the polemicist are intolerable. Among the 37 civil parties, there are in particular about twenty departmental councils, which take care of unaccompanied minors. A purely political and unfounded involvement, according to the lawyer for the possible presidential candidate, Me Olivier Pardo. In case of conviction, Éric Zemmour incurs a fine of 45,000 euros and one year of imprisonment.


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