Eric Zemmour’s candidacy seen by the political world



Article written by

V. Lerouge, T. Cutet, J. Assouly J.-M. Mier, M.-A. Belderrain, M. Peignier, T. Edelin, S. Ripaud – France 2

France Televisions

After months of waiting, Eric Zemmour formalized, Tuesday, November 30, his candidacy for the 2022 presidential election. A news that does not leave marble in the French political world.Presidential: the candidacy of Eric Zemmour seen by the political world

Eric Zemmour had promised an announcement that would mark the French. Tuesday, November 30, the polemicist is now officially a candidate for the nomination of the Elysee. A candidacy revealed through a staged video, recalling the appeal of June 18 of General de Gaulle. The ten-minute clip was commented on, even mocked by certain political figures such as Alexis Corbière, deputy for La France Insoumise de Seine-Saint-Denis, considering that it was a “declaration in the presidential election of 1965”.

Same story with Christophe Castaner, president of the LREM group at the National Assembly: “Éric Zemmour is to politics what the Z series is to cinematographic work”. A sustained attack but which is not unique in the political world. For Marine Le Pen, who did not speak in front of the camera, she would have judged the ad as a “backward-looking and twilight statement”. A video that makes people talk while the candidate is down in the polls.

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