Eric Zemmour’s candidacy for the presidential election, closure of nightclubs and health pass in meetings … Jordan Bardella’s “8:30 am franceinfo”

Jordan Bardella, President of the National Gathering, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Tuesday December 7th.

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Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally, was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Sunday December 7th. Eric Zemmour’s candidacy, closure of nightclubs decided by the government, health protocol in meetings, he answered questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Marc Fauvelle.

Presidential 2022: Eric Zemmour is “so caricature that it is a gift made to Emmanuel Macron”

“Eric Zemmour is not able to win the presidential election, he is so caricature that it is a gift given to Emmanuel Macron”said Jordan Bardella, who points to his “brutality”. “What is the added value of his candidacy apart from dividing the national camp? he asks himself. Today he comes to say the same thing as Marine Le Pen. “

Covid-19: “The public who go to discos, it’s not my grandmother”

“The public that goes to the discotheque is not our grandparents, it is not my grandmother”, criticized Jordan Bardella when the government decided to close nightclubs from Friday, December 10 for a period of four weeks. According to him, we must target people at risk and in particular the elderly who have not yet been vaccinated. Regarding the opening of the vaccination of children at risk in mid-December, the elected RN was also opposed, considering that it was necessary “to leave to the parents the vaccine freedom to vaccinate or not their children”.

Electoral meetings: opposed to the health pass, the RN “will enforce the law and social distancing”

“We have to organize meetings while respecting barrier gestures, as we have always done”, Jordan Bardella said. He said he was opposed to imposing the health pass in public meetings or political meetings. “There will be the wearing of the mask, we will make it respected”.

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