Eric Zemmour wants to abolish subsidies to associations helping migrants

Eric Zemmour visiting the Alpes-Maritimes this Friday and Saturday, the presidential candidate of the party Reconquête! visited the Menton-Saint-Louis border post yesterday, Friday afternoon, and exchanged with trade unionists from the Border Police. A few hundred meters away, 200 demonstrators, mainly students from Sciences Po Menton, protested against the candidate’s arrival, shouting “All together against fascism“, “France is love, not Zemmour” or “We are all children of immigrants, solidarity with refugees“. Cédric Herrou, farmer from the Roya Valley and defender of migrants was also present.

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“We are going to ban subsidies to associations which fight against the survival of France”

Eric Zemmour notably reminded the police that if he is elected, he wishes remove the principle of proportionality from self-defense and return to the presence of the lawyer during police custody.

Here the border police spend their time sending back migrants who come from Italy and come back again and again, day after day. They are harassed by court decisions which suppress for a trivial matter, their arrests of migrants, they are harassed by associations helping migrants – Eric Zemmour

According to the candidate of the Reconquête! migrant support organizations “are fighting against France, against its survival, their subsidies must be abolished, they will be treated as enemies” and “Cédric Herrou should be in prison”.

To the policemen at the borders of Menton, Eric Zemmour, promises that they will no longer have to release the migrants they arrest from Italy: “I would like to restore the crime of illegal residence, today Europe prevents us from doing so. We must lighten the legal procedures so that justice lets you do your job and make the foreign States give in who do not want to take back their nationals“.

Debauched from her rival Marine Le Pen, two new recruits surrounded him : RN MEP Jérôme Rivière and former Generation Identity executive Damien Rieu.

Sciences Po students demonstrate against the candidacy of Eric Zemmour

Mériem, Samia and Roméo are students at Sciences Po Menton, it was important for them to express their opposition to the candidate: “What Eric Zemmour is proposing is totally shocking and unacceptable in a country that is supposed to welcome everyone, how can he run for president when he has just been sentenced for incitement to racial hatred? He will against the motto of France which pleads for fraternity”.

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