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Éric Zemmour was traveling to Bonneval, in Eure-et-Loir, Friday January 7. A seduction operation in rural areas, where he tried to destroy his image as a city dweller.
For his first trip of the year, Friday January 7, Éric Zemmour chose the small town of Bonneval, in Eure-et-Loir. Far from his favorite themes on immigration, the candidate wanted to address rural France, and break his image of city dweller. “We must defend our landscapes, the beauty of our cities, the fate of our farmers “, did he declare. He thus hopes to conquer the voices of peripheral France.
Thing made for a former Parisian, installed in Bonneval for a year. “It is not just immigration in Mr. Zemmour’s program. It is also this love for France that he expresses, in which I find myself“, she declares. A sympathy which is not shared by a young computer scientist, met by the teams of France Televisions.”It’s the patriot side, but there is also the day to day life, the people, their life, and their work “, he reframes. Giving more power to mayors, fighting against medical desertification or the closing of schools, Éric Zemmour has put forward a few proposals. The visit was also an opportunity for the candidate to collect sponsorships.