Find here all of our live # ELYSEE2022
11:30 p.m. : “I do not greet anything, I take note, whether it is a man or a woman, I do not care.”
The candidate answers a question about Valérie Pécresse, the first woman to represent the right in the presidential election.
11:27 p.m. : After Bruno Le Maire and Samia Ghali this evening on France 2, will Eric Zemmour soon be debating with Marine Le Pen? According to information from franceinfo, the candidate of the National Rally accepted the principle of a debate with that of “Reconquest”. This exchange (a priori muscular) could take place in early February.
11:27 p.m. : The exchanges between Samia Ghali and Eric Zemmour focused on immigration, a subject very much discussed since the start of the presidential sequence. On this topic, our journalist Benoît Zagdoun verified five statements launched during the campaign, a useful point for the coming months, to read here.
11:25 p.m. : This is the end of the debate with Samia Ghali. Nathalie Saint-Cricq and Dominique Seux come to debrief the program.
11:24 p.m. : “What you are doing is not serving France. When you love France, you don’t endanger it, you don’t take the risk and today, by your words, you put you in danger France.”
11:24 p.m. : “You ask people to change their first name, you should change their name”
The chosen one explains that the word Zemmour means olive tree, “a symbol of peace”.
11:25 p.m. : Another name, the one #MeToo started with: Harvey Weinstein. The famous American producer is still being prosecuted in the United States for charges of sexual assault and rape by several women. He has already been serving a 23-year prison sentence since 2020 for similar facts.
11:20 p.m. : One example among others: yesterday, the former Secretary of State Georges Tron was definitively convicted of rape and sexual assault, after the rejection of his cassation appeal. For example, some high profile cases do not come to court, because the facts are prescribed. The Olivier Duhamel case, for example, has revived the debate on the statute of limitations for incest, because victims need time to talk about these intimate facts.
11:23 p.m. : Asked about the accusations of sexual assault brought by several women against him, Eric Zemmour ensures, moreover, that “all” media cases that affect several personalities “ended with releases and dismissals“. It’s wrong.
11:18 p.m. : “You are explaining that the northern districts are Islamized, you did not even go there”
The tone rises when the candidate attacks Marseille.
11:16 p.m. : Behind Eric Zemmour, who are the people working to beat Emmanuel Macron next April? Our journalist Antoine Comte immersed himself in the “Zemmour galaxy”, a format to discover here.
11:15 p.m. : “I don’t insult anyone, I get insulted a lot but I don’t insult anyone. I say things.”
11:16 p.m. : “You scare me in what you say. They put all Muslims on the same level, they are [pour vous] all people who prevent their wives from living. If tomorrow you are President of the Republic, how can you imagine reconciling those you insult? “
11:14 p.m. : “I don’t know what you are talking about”, launches Eric Zemmour to Samia Ghali, who accuses him of having laughed at a sexist joke pronounced against him by the elected frontist Stéphane Ravier, in Marseille.
11:13 p.m. : “I know that children say things as naturally as they feel, without calculation, with the heart. These drawings tell what France is. That reassures me, they want freedom of conscience.”
The elected Marseillaise shows drawings on secularism and the Republic made in a Marseille city.
23:08 : This is the sequence of the mystery guest: Samia Ghali, elected from the northern districts of Marseille.
11:11 p.m. : Eric Zemmour refuses to speak on the accusations of sexual assault hanging over him. We take stock of these accusations against him, which emerged last spring.
23:06 : Here is the last word of Bruno Le Maire during the debate.
11:05 p.m. : “I do not have to answer. It is private life, these women accuse me without any proof, it is taken up by militant journalists.”
The candidate is questioned about the sexual assault charges against him. “When you don’t like it, are journalists activists?”, asks Léa Salamé.
11:15 p.m. : It is a clarification of his project: Eric Zemmour indicated that he would not end the marriage for all. “We’ll see”, he explained on RTL, however, on October 24.
23:04 : During this series of thematic questions, Eric Zemmour proposed, to fight against the difficulties of young people in finding accommodation, to remove the notary fees that must be paid by buying real estate. An output that makes the deputy Laetitia Avia react.
11:02 p.m. : “I am against parity, it is an insult to women.”
The candidate reiterates these criticisms against the laws on parity.
11:02 p.m. : “Wind turbines are a disaster for global warming. I’m shutting down wind turbines, which are ugly on top of that.”
The candidate is questioned on renewable energies and takes up the classic criticisms against wind energy.
11:01 p.m. : The debate between the two men ends with a new invective from Eric Zemmour. “You are a junk Gaullist”, he says to Bruno Le Maire.
22:57 : What did Eric Zemmour say about terrorists, a subject about which the polemicist and Bruno Le Maire are fretting? Did the polemicist really praise the “courage” of the murderers? “When people act because they think their dead ask them to, there is something respectable”, he said in the magazine Conversationalist, in October 2016, as reported by LCI at the time. “I respect people who are ready to die for what they believe in. (…) So let’s fight them, but stop despising them. “
22h54 : The debate was to end, but Bruno Le Maire relaunches by criticizing the statements of Eric Zemmour on Pétain who would have defended the French Jews. “I am not a Pétainist, do not make me the defender of a regime which has hurt my family”, replies the candidate.
11:01 p.m. : “There is no extreme right here, there are people who do not want to see the demographic and political reality of the future of France and people, like me, who want France to remain France . “
10:51 p.m. : “Don’t teach me a lesson in consistency”, attack Eric Zemmour, by exhuming statements by Bruno Le Maire critical of Emmanuel Macron. “My consistency is to always refuse the extreme right, the debate we have just had confirms the imperative need to fight against you”, answers Bruno Le Maire.
10:51 p.m. : Eric Zemmour evokes his remarks on the Sandler family, made in his last book, in which he approached the choice of the burial place of his son and his two-grandsons, buried in Israel after their assassination by Mohammed Merah. These comments caused controversy last month and our colleagues from France 3 looked into the backpedaling of the polemicist.
22:46 : Here is the sequence where Bruno Le Maire believes that Eric Zemmour addresses a “slap” to Muslims.
22:46 : “You insult me, I am not an ass. You are used to your middle fingers”, gets carried away Bruno Le Maire, after a comparison of Eric Zemmour calling him a donkey.
10:45 p.m. : #TRUEOUFAKE “You have to imagine that in 1980, we were above Germany and the United States in terms of GDP. You see, the fall is even more pronounced “, Eric Zemmour told Bruno Le Maire. It’s wrong.
According to OECD data, France in the 1980s was already below the United States and Germany. In 1980, the GDP per capita in the United States was 12,547 dollars, against 10,388 for Germany and 9,662 for France.

10:44 p.m. : “I saw you leaving the Bataclan praising the Islamist terrorists, saying that they had the courage that we no longer had. How can you put the executioners and the victims on an equal footing? ? Do you realize how much you hurt the French nation? “
Bruno Le Maire attacks on the remarks made by Eric Zemmour in front of the Bataclan.
22:43 : Eric Zemmour evokes the France Strategies report on immigration. What does this study really say? We explain here what to remember from this radiography of the territory.
22:43 : “I have a certain doubt that our compatriots of Muslim faith appreciate your speech.”
The minister reacts to the statement of Eric Zemmour, who believes that Muslims appreciate his remarks.
22:41 : On immigration, Eric Zemmour again evokes the “great replacement”. A conspiracy theory that he is used to invoking in his speeches and in his writings, following the far-right writer Renaud Camus.
10:40 p.m. : “You don’t respect me, you interrupt me all the time”, complains Eric Zemmour, calling the presenters to witness. “I note that you need Léa Salamé’s support to speak”, replies Bruno Le Maire.
10:40 p.m. : “It is not a hand that you extend to them, it is a slap that you give them.”
The minister denounces the remarks of Eric Zemmour on Muslims.
22:38 : “It’s not like that in reality. Islam has never known the separation between the spiritual and the temporal.”
22:38 : Here is the process: the European Council, made up of 27 heads of state, authorizes the European Commission to negotiate a new trade agreement on behalf of the EU. He gives him a “negotiation mandate”. The Council takes negotiating directives. The Commission then negotiates with the partner country on behalf of the EU, in close cooperation with the Council and the European Parliament.
The Commission submits the draft agreement to the Council for adoption. After discussion, the Council adopts a decision on signing the agreement on behalf of the EU. It transmits the signed agreement to Parliament for approval. When Parliament gives its consent, the Council adopts the decision.
22:37 : According to Eric Zemmour, within the European Union, “Trade policy is not taken unanimously by governments, it is taken by the Commission, all by itself”. It’s wrong.
22:37 : “You do not believe in the strength of the Republic and in the strength of the French nation to integrate.”
10:35 p.m. : Good evening @ *** internet user ***, Léa Salamé’s sidekick is Laurent Guimier, who is the news director of France Télévisions.
22:34 :
Good evening franceinfo. I know Léa Salamé, but who is her sidekick ?? I have never seen him I believe … Even Bruno Le Maire does not know him … Thank you.
22:34 : “I think you have all the predispositions to be a dictator”, launched earlier Bruno Le Maire to Eric Zemmour.
22:33 : Second topic of debate, after the economy, immigration.
22:32 : Here is the passage where Eric Zemmour comments on Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Saudi Arabia.
22:31 : “You have watered France, you are Santa Claus” : on the debt, Eric Zemmour takes up the traditional criticisms of the right towards the government. Valérie Pécresse, LR candidate, thus regularly accuses the Head of State of having “burnt the cash register”.
22:31 : “Mr. Zemmour, calm down! Your words shock all French people who have understood that our policy has saved France from an economic disaster” after confinement.