Eric Zemmour: Revelations on the aggression that haunts his partner Sarah Knafo

Since April 10, 2022, the date of the first round of the presidential elections, Eric Zemmour has been much more discreet, digesting his score of 7% when he had imagined himself in the second round. The fascination for his companion falsely in the shadows is it revived by the release of the book The Intriguing Sarah Knafo published by Robert Laffont, signed by journalists Ava Djamshidi and François-Xavier Ménage. The magazine She publishes extracts, returning in particular to the aggression of which his mother was the victim while she was pregnant.

Director of Eric Zemmour’s presidential campaign, Sarah Knafo aroused a lot of interest from September 2021 when Paris Match interested in his person. Gradually, the one who is presented as his adviser officially becomes his companion after weeks of speculation. Father of three children born from his marriage to Mylène Chichportich, the essayist and columnist turned politician confirms his relationship on BFMTV in January. Now they are no longer hiding.

The course of this 29-year-old enarque is then scrutinized from all sides and other rumors surface such as that concerning an alleged pregnancy. For the authors of the book The Intriguing Sarah Knafo, she spoke on the subject, denying in off to have been pregnant. The book also looks at her childhood and a drama that shaped her in pain: the aggression of her mother in Seine-Saint-Denis, where she grew up. His mother practices as a hypnotherapist and has two daughters, Sarah and Cindy – who is now a photographer. Then comes Dan, but his birth is marked by a drama: “When she was 4 years old, her mother, pregnant with her brother, was violently attacked in Seine-Saint-Denis, while she was driving. A blow in the stomach to snatch his bag, and the life of the family changes. As a result of this aggression, little Dan will be born severely handicapped. His mother and her family took care of him at home until he was 16 before having to entrust him to the care of an institution. A damaged life, and a death at 21. The perpetrator was neither arrested nor convicted.

Marked forever, “sdeath has reinforced, in Sarah Knafo, her go-getter temperament, and a huge appetite for life”, wrote The world in his investigation. What better to understand this intriguing woman who pushed Eric Zemmour to present himself as a candidate, now in the running for the legislative elections in the Var.

Find the full article in the magazine She from June 3, 2022

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