Eric Zemmour married: was his wife Mylène Chichportich present in Villepinte?

During his meeting in Villepinte on December 5, 2021, the first since he officially announced his candidacy for the 2022 presidential election, Eric Zemmour was able to count on the support of various personalities such as Christine Boutin, Jean-François Poisson or Eric Naulleau and of course his political advisor who has now become his campaign manager, Sarah Knafo. Ovationed by the public at the request of Antoine Diers at the microphone, the young enarque is considered to be the one who started it all. Much less in the light, because it fiercely protects them from all media coverage, they are the three children of the reactionary polemicist and their mother, Mylène Chichportich. They were also present.

Indeed, according to Point who went to the large gathering in support of the essayist who would like to be president, Mylène Chichportich and their three grown children, Hugo, born in 1997, Thibault, in 1998 and Clarisse, in 2004, were among the spectators of the event. His wife, whom he met in 1982 when he was 24, is a lawyer specializing in bankruptcy law. She founded with her husband the publishing house Rubempré which notably publishes the work of the controversial essayist, such as France has not said its last word and which has garnered more than a million euros in profits. His wife must watch closely the media coverage of the almost presidential campaign of the father of her children. A strong woman according to their mutual friend Isabelle Balkany, she nevertheless prefers to stay in the shadows.

Eric Zemmour’s family accompanies the former journalist of the Figaro in his complex electoral adventure. If the polls made him the third man in October, voting intentions have stagnated and some supporters are moving away, not to say withdrawing, such as the powerful financier Charles Gave. Thus, no Philippe de Villiers, a friend who was already worried about the influence of Sarah Knafo.

Now, the former TV columnist also has to deal with ongoing investigations following the violence that took place during his rally against and against SOS Racism activists who were beaten up. He was grabbed by an individual. The entourage of the far-right candidate had let it be known on Sunday evening that he was suffering from a wrist injury and had been prescribed nine days of temporary work interruption (ITT). The Bobigny prosecutor’s office, however, underlined Monday, as specified The world, that the certificate provided by the candidate had not been drawn up by a medico-judicial unit, which alone is empowered to determine the ITTs with a view to criminal prosecution. The custody of the man suspected of “premeditated violence“committed on Eric Zemmour has been extended, also said the prosecution in a statement.

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