“Eric Zemmour is waiting for Sarah Knafo to offer him the Elysee Palace”: A former support criticizes the duo

Aware of the limits of his pre-campaign, Eric Zemmour has decided to dive into the deep end of the 2022 presidential elections: he will announce his candidacy on November 30, 2021 by video message published on social networks and will intervene on the TF1 JT set in the evening – even, according to his entourage. Relatives who try to forget the last weeks of the far-right polemicist, multiplying the hiccups, scandals and departures. If one of his powerful financial backers took flight, there is also one of his lieutenants who has just let go: Pierre Meurin. He spoke at length in The Express and castigated certain personalities, among which his advisor turned into campaign manager, Sarah Knafo.

Aged 31, Pierre Meurin was in Eric Zemmour’s close guard: he was one of the six members of the exclusive secret committee placed with the reactionary essayist, indicates The Express : “This ex-collaborator of Marion Maréchal at ISSEP, also president for several years of Jeunes pour la France, the youth movement of Philippe de Villiers’ party, was responsible for structuring the Zemmourian forces in the territories.“He is now in retreat, seeing that the strategic choices did not correspond to what he could hope for and that he had summarized in a note a few days ago for”radically reorient (his) campaign while there is still time“.

Among his criticisms, there is the fact that Antoine Diers, whom Pierre Meurin considers as the best political element of this team, is only a simple media host, and that Jean-Frédéric Poisson had not integrated the device, for example to direct the search for sponsorships or the territorial network. But that’s not all, he names Sarah Knafo, influential enarque alongside Eric Zemmour and more and more in the light, even in the pages of Close. Considered her campaign manager, described as a fiery young woman who is not cold-eyed, with a well-filled address book and who is not afraid to write her own legend, she has already been singled out . Already by another close to Eric Zemmour, Philippe de Villiers, who felt that their collaboration would end badly, then Pierre Meurin supports this idea: “Eric Zemmour does not manage his team at all, he delegates everything to Sarah Knafo whose he waits for her to offer him the Elysee Palace. He never attended executive committee meetings when I was on it. “

Disconnected from reality, too boosted by the first voting intentions in October? Pierre Meurin recognizes however the privilege of having made the left non-existent. If he does not see the #ZemmourCandidat in the presidential chair, he would see him “kingmaker“or” accompany a candidate in the second round of the presidential election “to beat Emmanuel Macron. But as he says himself, five months is a long time, nothing is over.

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