Eric Zemmour is “not welcome” in Lille, according to Martine Aubry

Martine Aubry, mayor of Lille, calls for a rally on Saturday February 5, the day when the far-right polemicist and presidential candidate Eric Zemmour is to hold a big meeting in the capital of Flanders.

While he was not yet an official candidate, Martine Aubry had already hit on the far-right polemicist during her traditional back-to-school press conference on October 4.

While we are talking about this gentleman, who for me is only the symptom of the disintegration of our society, we are not talking about the French, she told reporters. We let them walk away from democracy, we let them say to themselves that there is nothing left but violence to make themselves heard.

Since then, things have changed. Eric Zemmour declared himself a candidate and continues the meetings. Next stop: Lille. And Martine Aubry decided to oppose it. The socialist mayor of Lille calls on as many people as possible to gather at Place de la République at 11 a.m. on Saturday February 5 against the far right. Same day when Eric Zemmour must hold a “big meeting” in Lille, according to the entourage of the polemicist.

In a press release, Martine Aubry affirms that Eric Zemmour is not “not welcome” in his city. “Let’s be numerous on Saturday February 5 (…), alongside SOS Racisme, to say NO to racism and the far right”she urges.

“We can’t stay silent” while a meeting of the “ultra-violent campaign” of Eric Zemmour, believes the mayor of Lille, before adding: “everything he is, everything he calls himself, undermines the foundations of the fraternal Republic that we defend”.

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