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No presidential election is like another. The candidates have nothing to do with 5 years ago, and the political landscape even less, with unexpected newcomers a few months ago, like the guest of Dimanche en politique, Sunday January 16: Eric Zemmour.
Éric Zemmour is a presidential candidate under the label “Reconquête”, which is the name of the political party he created. His irruption in the landscape of the presidential does not go unnoticed and in particular his remarks. He denounced, on Friday January 7 in the Aisne, “obsession with including children with disabilities in school”, and it continues to be controversial. The ex-polemicist specifies that he wants to highlight “children with mental disabilities”. “If we want inclusion, we have to give ourselves the means, otherwise we have to put these children in specialized schools”, adds the presidential candidate.
“All your competitors in the presidential election, from Marine Le Pen to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, including it seems the President of the Republic, condemn your words. Is that what you were looking for, to be alone against everyone?”, asks Francis Letellier. Éric Zemmour specifies that he did not seek controversy over “the important and serious issue of disability”, while conceding that it is “completely normal that the political class (…) condemn me, because in truth I am the candidate of reality”.