Eric Zémmour in Sables-d’Olonne on Saturday to “defend” the statue of Saint-Michel

This will undoubtedly give another dimension to the controversy that has been opposing for several months the town hall of Sables-d’Olonne and administrative justice concerning the statue representing Saint-Michel and which stands in front of the school of the same name.

The same day that the mayor of the commune Yannick Moreau announces its intention to organize a public consultation on the future of this statue, the far-right candidate Eric Zémmour took up the case as an argument for his campaign.

Eric Zémmour recalls his attachment to France’s Christian roots

In a press release Eric Zémmour denounces “the scandalous decision of the Nantes administrative court ordering the municipality to unbolt the statue of the Archangel Saint-Michel” and castigate “a new victory for the cancel culture which instrumentalizes justice and in this case secularism to impose its destructive ideology”. Eric Zemmour immediately announces his intention to go to Sables-d’Olonne this Saturday “alongside his friend _Philippe de Villiers_, former president of the General Council of Vendée “ to come and support Mayor Yannick Moreau and the residents. The polemicist recalls “his attachment to the Christian roots of France which are the basis of the French identity and of which this statue is today a symbol”.

It is the lacquer philosophical and cultural association Free thought Vendée who, originally, had seized the administrative court to request that the statue, religious building, be removed from public space in the name of respect for the law of 1901 on secularism.

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