Eric Zemmour “feeds on weaknesses, due to the fact that part of the left has abandoned the republic”, considers Manuel Valls


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The former Prime Minister denounced Tuesday on franceinfo “the lies and the manipulation of history” operated by the presidential candidate supported by the Reconquest party !.

Eric Zemmour “manipulates history in the service of a political project […] and that seems particularly dangerous to me “, denounced on franceinfo Tuesday, January 11, Manuel Valls, to justify the writing of his book, Zemmour the anti-republican, which will be released on January 12, 2022. “His lies and his manipulation of history are aimed at breaking free from the dyke that separated the right from the far right.”

The former prime minister believes the far-right presidential candidate “feeds on weaknesses and the fact that part of the left has abandoned the republic, the flags, etc. It gave wings to this political movement”, he analyzes. For the former head of government of François Hollande, Eric Zemmour could make Marine Le Pen more frequent. “The whole paradox is that he could make Marine Le Pen more moderate (…) His objective is the recomposition of the rights on the debris of the National Front and the Republicans party.”

Manuel Valls, however, considers the former journalist and far-right polemicist as “one of the important players in this election”. In this context, Éric Zemmour but also Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen “must be able to compete because they represent political currents of thought. I think they will have these 500 signatures”, he assured. The Reconquest candidates! and La France insoumise both call for a reform of the sponsorship system, which for now requires each candidate to collect 500 signatures, which are public.

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