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Éric Zemmour will be a candidate in the legislative elections in Saint-Tropez. The leader of the Reconquest party had hesitated to run, he will finally be a candidate in the 4th district of Var, where he had collected nearly 15% of the votes in the presidential election.
He took the leap. After long hesitation, Éric Zemmour will be a candidate in the Var. The former polemicist chose the 4th constituency, because he scored better there than at the national level in the presidential election. “I am delighted with his candidacy”, says a woman. In this conscription, Marine Le Pen had made 32%. The National Rally party fears a dispersion of votes.
The outgoing deputy En Marche is not afraid of the campaign of the candidate Reconquête. “Voters are quite capable of telling the difference from a candidate of opportunism, who comes to do electoral tourism”, says Marie-Christine Hamel, LR candidate for the legislative elections. The left, united, sees an opportunity to mobilize its voters. Éric Zemmour is taking a risk. In the event of a defeat in the legislative elections, he could see his future darkened. In this constituency, there is also a candidacy of the animalist party, represented by Sabrina Ribeiro Teixeira.