Eric Zemmour affirms that he will be a legislative candidate if he does not reach the Elysée



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“I will be a candidate, but I will be in the second round” of the presidential election, said the far-right candidate, guest of the Elysée 2022 program on France 2.

Will he try to sit at the Bourbon Palace if he does not enter the Elysée? Eric Zemmour paved the way, Tuesday, April 5, for a candidacy in the legislative elections in the event of defeat in the race for the Elysée. “I will be a candidate, but I will be in the second round” of the presidential election, assured the far-right candidate, guest of the program Elysée 2022 on France 2.

>> Relive the program “Elysée 2022” with Anne Hidalgo, Yannick Jadot, Valérie Pécresse, Philippe Poutou and Eric Zemmour

“I will not abandon the people who trusted me”, he added, visibly destabilized, when he was revived by Léa Salamé on the prospect of a candidacy for the legislative elections. The candidate of the Reconquête party is currently credited with 9 to 11% in the polls, in fourth or fifth position in terms of voting intentions.

According to him, he will receive, in the event of accession to the second round of the presidential election, the support of personalities from both the RN and LR, “like Eric Ciotti, François-Xavier Bellamy or Nadine Morano”. “Political life will be changed if I am in the second round. If Marine Le Pen is in the second round, everything will start again as before”, he launched.

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