Eric Zemmour accuses Valérie Pécresse of having “already prepared her rallying to Emmanuel Macron”



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Eric Zemmour presents himself as “the candidate of the right” and promises that voting for him will allow “a real political recomposition”.

“I want to say to the voters of Mrs. Pécresse, I want to say to the voters of LR [Les Républicains], that she has already prepared her rallying to Emmanuel Macron, at 8:02 p.m. it’s already in the pipeline, everyone knows it at LR”, assured Éric Zemmour, candidate of Reconquest! (extreme right) in the presidential election, Monday April 4 on franceinfo. posing as “the candidate of the right”, he called on those same voters to “not to let their election be stolen”.

“With me, there will be a real political recomposition”, he continued, six days before the first round. “If Marine Le Pen is in the second round, nothing will move, no LR will call to vote for her, he believes. On the other hand, if I am in the second round, Éric Ciotti, François-Xavier Bellamy and many others will call to vote for me.” According to him, “there will therefore be a political recomposition and we will finally be able to get rid of the cordon sanitaire which artificially separates the electorates from the National Front [aujourd’hui Rassemblement national] of the right LR”. “We will reconcile these electorates, only my vote allows that”, he promised.

Right-wing voters “must not believe the polls”, also declared Eric Zemmour. In the latest edition of the Ipsos-Sopra Steria barometer for franceinfo and Le Parisien-Today in Francewhich measures the evolution of opinion from day to day until the first round of the presidential election, Éric Zemmour is given in fourth place, credited with 11% of the voting intentions.

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