Eric Zemmour accuses the Russian president of stealing his election!

It is now turned towards the legislative elections, which will be held on June 12 and 19. After his defeat in the presidential election – he finished in fourth place, with 7.3% of the vote – Eric Zemmour has already learned the lessons … If he explained this Monday evening to Bruce Toussant, “It’s my failure, my disappointment…”the founder of Reconquête has found the reasons why he was not elected.

“Vladimir Putin invades Ukraine

First, Sarah Knafo’s companion blames … Vladimir Putin! It ensures: “From February 24, Vladimir Poutine invades Ukraine, everyone puts us in the same bag, Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Éric Zemmour and then in the polls I am the only one to suffer from it”. At this moment, he observes “some of my voters are rallying behind Emmanuel Macron and then, seeing that I’m declining in the polls, those who had come from Marine Le Pen, fearing the rise of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, came back to Marine Le Pen”.

>> See also: Eric Zemmour: but who is Mylène, his wife?

And this “flag effect“during the war was not the only one”chance” of Emmanuel Macron during this campaign, assures Eric Zemmour. HAS BFM TVhe assures that the re-elected president “got lucky because he didn’t campaign”. Indeed, he believes that “The Covid then Putin, then Ukraine, allowed him not to campaign”.

“Yes he was lucky”

Finally, with “the confrontation with Marine Le Pen (who was) expected”her “victory was foregone“, deduces Eric Zemmour. And to conclude: “as I said 5 years ago, as I said 6 months ago. Yes he was lucky, it’s part of everyone’s destiny”.


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