“It is above all a question of choice of end of career”, estimates on franceinfo the deputy secretary-general of the Republicans.
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“When you have been a minister, deputy for 16 years, having to give alms to the President of the Republic at the end of your career for a few folding seats, that does not leave a good image of all of your work”declared Wednesday February 9 on franceinfo Pierre-Henri Dumont, deputy secretary-general of LR and deputy of Pas-de-Calais, after the decision of the LR deputy of Oise Éric Woerth to support the candidacy of Emmanuel Macron.
>> Eric Woerth’s support for Emmanuel Macron: “There is something strange in such last-minute revelations”, considers Franck Louvrier
“When I look around Emmanuel Macron, there are two types of people, mercenaries and courtiersbelieves Pierre-Henri Dumont. Éric Woerth voted against all the budgets of Macron’s five-year term, he vilified the explosion of debt, the absence of structural reforms, he denounced President Macron’s contempt for Parliament and the French.
“Obviously, Éric Woerth is not one of the courtiers. So that means he is one of the mercenaries (…). We are waiting to find out what his reward will be.”
Pierre-Henri Dumont, Deputy Secretary-General of the Republicansat franceinfo
The LR deputy compares this movement to that of Édouard Philippe, who became Prime Minister of Emmanuel Macron. “If the right won in 2017, he was destined to become at best undersecretary of state in charge of stuffed cabbage. The truth is that he had a career promotion because he betrayed”judges the LR deputy from Pas-de-Calais.
To justify his choice, Éric Woerth explains that he no longer adheres to LR’s discourse and deplores a “car chase” on security matters. “It’s not a question of the project, it’s a false excuse”answers Pierre-Henri Dumont. “It’s above all a question of career choice, end-of-career choice.”