Éric Serra, composer of the music of the “Big Blue”, in remission from a “dazzling” cancer

Suffering from lymphoma in the intestine, the musician confided for the first time to the Parisian. He recounts his fight against this dazzling cancer. Today in complete remission, he is preparing to resume his film-concert tour.

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France Televisions

Writing Culture


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Eric Serra, famous composer since the soundtrack of the cult film The big Blueis in remission from cancer “dazzling”, he reveals Wednesday on the Parisian site (reserved for subscribers).

“I had lymphoma of the small intestine. It’s cancer of the lymph nodes. It was quite dazzling, explains the 62-year-old musician. Within a few days, if I hadn’t noticed it, I wouldn’t I might not be here to talk to you about it”.

What helped him during his treatment was having “talked a lot” with Florent Pagny, treated for a cancerous tumor in the lung. “It’s behind me”posted the latter on Instagram on May 10.

“We exchanged little messages, we called each other, says Serra. Casually, this complicity did me a lot of good, and I imagine that to him too. (…) We were talking about chemo, about what we felt“.

“We healed in parallel, he adds. Florent is particularly positive”.

Serra, who had had to cancel his tour of film-concerts of the soundtrack of Big BlueLuc Besson’s flagship film, will be able to show it in the fall.

The composer also confides that he had to live in seclusion because the professor of medicine treating his case had warned him: “This specific cancer is the only one that is 100% incompatible with Covid. If you ever catch it before the end of the treatment, you have very little chance of getting out of it.”

And to tell: “A few days later, my daughter had the Covid. I lived for five months (…) completely cloistered. I did not approach my children within 3 meters”.

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