Eric Judor settles his accounts with the profession!

“Take my ideas, I will have others”, said Gabrielle Chanel. An adage that fits perfectly with Eric Judor’s philosophy! This Friday, January 20, during an interview in the columns of “Télé 7 Jours”, the actor returned to his humorous journey and the difficulties encountered with his ex-sidekick Ramzy Bédia. “We have been hit with Ramzy in our career. They stole ideas, films from us”, he confided without going into the details of the pirated projects, nor of the people responsible for these plagiarisms. At his side, stood Jean-Pascal Zadi, the director who came to defend the series “En Place” broadcast on Netflix in which Eric Judor plays the main role. A somewhat has-been political campaign manager who decides to push an educator, who has just made the buzz by attacking a presidential candidate, until the election to the post of head of state.

A role of composition for the comic who has long appeared in duet with his sidekick Ramzy. In particular in the television sitcom “H” but also on the big screen with popular successes such as “Les Dalton”, “La Tour Montparnasse infernale” or “Halal state police”. The accomplices, both actors, also worked as screenwriters and directors teeming with ideas… Often imitated but above all stolen!

“I wouldn’t like to be the asshole who blocked someone”

The actor explains himself on this subject: “I was recently given the opportunity to take revenge for something. Canal + calls me and says: “We have so and so in the office, we know it’s your project. You decide. If you don’t want us to go, we don’t go, even if it’s a very attractive poster. We want to do it but it’s your project, what do you want us to do? “”, he said, explaining that he had not vetoed the project. And to clarify: “I have never put a spoke in the wheel to anyone and I would not like to be the asshole who blocked someone. I find that boring. Everyone has their own karma”.

For his part, Jean-Pascal Zadi supports his speech: “Eric is really good. I tried to test it on lots of things and it doesn’t work,” he adds jokingly. Taking the ball with the jump, Eric Judor continues: “In the dressing room, he left me 100 euro bills, chicken… I never took it,” he says, laughing. And the director of “En Place” to complete his compliment: “He’s really a good person. It’s nice to be with someone like him. We still come from a game where there are a lot of bastards. I also met some on my way. But when you are with Eric, you are safe”, he concludes before going into a fit of laughter with his actor. A new duo seems to have been born…

See also: “I didn’t want to shoot with her”, Ramzy Bedia disappointed by this actress and member of her family!


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