Éric Judor father of 5 children: rare photos of his very discreet wife

The mythical duo Eric and Ramzy is once again on display this Wednesday, July 20, on the occasion of the broadcast of the film Halal state police, a comedy of relentless efficiency. The opportunity to discuss the love life of Éric Judor, who married his darling in 2016 in Guadeloupe, on the land of origin of his dad.

But the 53-year-old comedian makes it a point of honor to preserve his privacy. It is therefore impossible to know the identity of his sweetheart. Public appearances of the couple are extremely rare. We have to go back to 2015, at Roland Garros, to see the two lovebirds appear together publicly. They had already attended the tennis tournament a year before. They had notably been seen sharing a languorous kiss from the stands.

“I am disgusted !”

The actor from Meaux is therefore visibly in love but also the father of five children: two girls and three boys, including two twins. He has already spoken several times about his role as dad, notably at the microphone ofEuropean 1 in 2018. He told listeners about his concern that he was “an old father“.”I’m going to be 50, I’m disgusted! (…) I tell myself that I am going to be an old father, what. Ah yes, we have to say that to ourselves at some point” he had explained. A few months later, the actor of Dalton confided in her 4-year-old son.

More recently, on February 10, on the set of Quotidien, he spoke of his children when he came to promote the series. Family weekend (available since February 23 on Disney+). “I have five children, and Week-end Family meant a lot to me to bring five children over the weekend. It’s very noisy, I make jokes with my children, but the children don’t have a second degree! So my eldest daughter learned it at her expense unfortunately, she missed it, but all the others have a father who does the first degree nice. Whereas the first, she took hardcore valves” he had said.

They are very noisy. I have twins, it’s hard… But I adore them!” he added, speaking of his twins.

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