Éric Guérin, starred chef, is a cook with an assertive style, gifted, sensitive, attentive and above all generous, who has been able to build a gastronomic universe that is appreciated and has a strong DNA. Originally from Toulouse, a childhood in Normandy, not far from the gardens of Claude Monet and a hotel school in Paris, it was enough to lay the foundations! From La Tour d’Argent to Taillevent, passing through the kitchens of Jules Verne, the table perched on the 2nd floor of the Eiffel Tower, Éric Guérin’s culinary journey is punctuated with stars… But the lights of the city are not enough to nourish the inspiration of this nature-loving entrepreneur. It was during a getaway in the marshes of the Brière, kingdom of birds and reeds, that the obvious hit the young chef: the Ile de Fédrun, this setting conducive to “Once upon a time…” , alternately bathed in light or protected by a veil of mist, is the ideal place to build your nest, your home, your restaurant. It was in this village where he spent his holidays that in April 1995, at the age of 25, Éric Guérin took over the Auberge du Parc and opened his Mare aux Oiseaux.
In this last meeting with Chef Éric Guérin, he talks about his crush on La Brière. The richness of the fauna and flora, hunting and fishing… But he also mentions the difficulty, faced with the many requests that a starred chef and the media receives, to continue to provide, as a priority, the service in the kitchen.
– Andrea Pistolesi
La Mare aux Oiseaux, 223 Fédrun in Saint-Joachim – Tel: – The restaurant is closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays for lunch. Lunch: 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. – Dinner: 7:00 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. – www.mareauxoiseaus.fr – Find all the news about La mare aux Oiseaux on its Facebook and Instagram pages.