Eric Dupond-Moretti will set conditions for “prison reintegration projects”

The Minister of Justice said on Tuesday “never to have been informed” about the organization of “Kohlanness”.

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Eric Dupond-Moretti no longer wants to let anything pass. The Minister of Justice affirmed on Tuesday August 23 “never been informed” about the organization of “Kohlanness”. After the publication of an administrative investigation report on the organization of fun activities called “Kohlanness”, the Keeper of the Seals then announced in the evening on Twitter the publication of a circular to fix “the conditions necessary for carrying out reintegration projects in prison”from now on “subject to the express validation of the management of the prison administration”.

According to the report made public on Tuesday evening, the choice of activities was managed “directly linked between the organizing association and the prison establishment” and “neither the management of the prison administration, nor the cabinet of the Keeper of the Seals had knowledge of the precise modalities of the activity ‘Kohlanness'”. “If an authorization in principle from the Chancellery has been given with regard to this action, it is without knowing the precise details, in particular with regard to the karting event”the report adds.

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