In a report from the program “Envoyéspecial”, broadcast Thursday on France 2, we discover a caregiver who is the victim of racism from her neighbors, activists of the National Rally.
Reading time: 1 min

The Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti indicates Saturday June 22 on “asked the heads of the Orléans Court of Appeal for an immediate report with a view to the precautionary suspension of the official of the Montargis court” implicated in a report by “Special Envoy” on racism.
In a sequence widely distributed on social networks, a couple of supporters of the National Rally hold “discriminatory remarks” towards their neighbor, a black caregiver, the Montargis prosecutor’s office said on Friday. “We’re at home, we do what we want”, “you get out”, “go to the doghouse”can we hear in particular in the video.
Éric Dupond-Moretti describes these remarks as “absolutely unacceptable”. “Hate will never have a place in our courts”he emphasizes.
In this case, the Montargis public prosecutor’s office announced on Friday that it had taken up the case, “the words and behaviors observed which may be criminalized as public and non-public insults of a racial nature, public incitement to discrimination and violence without racial incapacity”. “One of the people likely to be indicted belonging to the Montargis judicial court”a request was filed so that the investigation be entrusted to the Orléans public prosecutor’s office, the prosecutor indicated in his press release.