Eric Dupond-Moretti orders an investigation after an episode of “Kohlanness”

In a tweet published this Saturday, August 20, Eric Dupond-Moretti announces that he has “ordered an investigation”after holding ordeals between inmates, guards and young people from the suburbs of Fresnes, within the prison center of the city. The event had been authorized by the prison administration, but the publication of the video caused a controversy, launched in particular by elected officials and far-right personalities.

“After the shocking images of Fresnes prison, I immediately ordered an investigation so that all the light could be shed. The fight against recidivism goes through reintegration but certainly not through karting!”writes the Keeper of the Seals.

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In one of the “KohLantess” events, the participants actually compete in a karting event. But this is not the first time that such a game has been organised. The initiative is actually an activity organized by Djibril Dramé, a native of Fresneswhich aims to raise funds for associations and bring together police and young people from the suburbs, or for this video, guards, prisoners and young people.

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However, after posting the video, several far-right elected officials or personalities have criticized the initiative, such as the vice-president RN of the National Assembly, Hélène Laporte: “At Fresnes Prison, summer activities are organized for prisoners: karting, swimming pool, etc. During this time, 1 in 3 children does not go on vacation due to lack of financial means. Taxpayers will be happy to see where their silver”writes the chosen one on Twitter.

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