Eric Dupond-Moretti challenges “the far left” on anti-Semitism, Nupes deputies leave the hemicycle

The Minister of Justice got angry with the deputies on the left, in particular about a communist bill which wanted to qualify “apartheid” Israel’s regime vis-à-vis the Palestinians.

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The remarks did not pass to the deputies on the left. Questioned on Tuesday August 2 about anti-Semitism, the Keeper of the Seals Eric Dupond-Moretti arrested “far left” and pointed the finger at a recent controversial motion for a resolution on Israel, immediately provoking a strong protest from the deputies of the Nupes coalition who left the hemicycle.

In a question to the government on the perpetrators of the 1982 Rue des Rosiers attack, the Republican-related MP Meyer Habib got angry with the “Islamo-leftists” of Insubordinate France. He thus denounced a “filthy resolution of 37 Nupe deputies”illustrating according to him a “hatred of Jews and Israel”. Initiated by the communist Jean-Paul Lecoq, this motion for a resolution signed by some forty elected representatives from the left condemned the “apartheid regime” of Israel against the Palestinians.

In his answer, and before attacking “the extreme right”Eric Dupond-Moretti sent a “little word on the far left” : he listed “Corbyn, apartheid, the words you chose to comment on the speech of the President of the Republic, these words stick to your skin”. His arrest prompted the departure of elected leftists. On their return, the leader of the socialist group Boris Vallaud judged “unwelcome” this output: the “country does not need division on this subject”. Ecologist Sandrine Rousseau judged “unworthy to qualify the LFI deputies as anti-Semites”. The rebellious Aymeric Caron meanwhile asked “excuses” to the Prime Minister.

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