Eric Dupond-Moretti accuses magistrates of “dirting” him, the president of the Court of Cassation recalls him to his duties

In a scathing statement, Chantal Arens said “[regretter] strongly the remarks made by the Keeper of the Seals, whose mission is to guarantee the independence of Justice”.

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New pass of arms between the Keeper of the Seals and the judiciary. The President of the Court of Cassation, Chantal Arens, recalled Eric Dupond-Moretti to his role as guarantor of the independence of justice, Friday March 4. The Minister of Justice had accused magistrates of wanting to sully his reputation. This remote exchange and the scathing clarification of the highest magistrate in France is the latest illustration of the stormy relations between Eric Dupond-Moretti and the judges since the arrival of the former star of the Place Vendôme courtrooms.

Indicted since July 2021, the Keeper of the Seals was summoned on Thursday to be heard again by the three magistrates of the Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR), who are investigating an investigation into suspicions of illegal taking of interests targeting him. The minister, who disputes these accusations, refused to answer the questions of the magistrates and read them a statement, in which he explains his choice to exercise his right to remain silent. “Everything in the conduct of your information demonstrates your determination not to get to the truth on allegations that you have taken for granted from the outset, but to smear the reputation of a former lawyer whose only trial you are fueling which interests you, that of his illegitimacy to occupy the functions of Keeper of the Seals”he justifies.

In this declaration, he also accuses the president of the commission of instruction of the CJR (the only jurisdiction empowered to prosecute and try ministers for offenses committed in the exercise of their functions) of bringing him a “enmity” old, which according to him should have “drive to [se] deport” folder.

The president of the Court of Cassation, Chantal Arens, reacted strongly to the remarks made by the minister before the magistrates of the CJR, and published in the press. In a scathing statement, shestrongly regrets the remarks made by the Keeper of the Seals, whose mission is to guarantee the independence of Justice”. “Challenging the honor of the investigating magistrates, they contribute to weakening the judicial authority, pillar of the rule of law”, continues Chantal Arens. “The investigating judges carry out their mission, in a collegial manner, in complete independence and in compliance with the law, their decisions being subject to appeal”.

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