Éric Duhaime wants to abolish the monopoly of the SAQ

(Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade) The leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec promises to allow the sale of local alcohol in other businesses such as convenience stores to stimulate regional development. If he intends to put an end to the monopoly of the Société des alcools du Québec, he would not attack that of the Société québécoise du cannabis.

Posted at 4:24 p.m.

Mylene Crete

Mylene Crete
The Press

The militants of his party have not yet pronounced themselves in assembly on the monopoly of the SQDC, he replied to The Press at a press conference.

He made his announcement on Saturday at the Boissons du Roy berry vineyard in Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade with its owner Steeve Massicotte, Conservative candidate in the riding of Champlain, currently represented by the Minister and Chair of the Council. of the Sonia LeBel treasure.

Éric Duhaime promises a parliamentary commission on the regulation of alcohol, “a relic of the prohibitionist era”. It thus takes up a commitment of the Coalition avenir Québec made before the 2018 election campaign, then abandoned in 2019.

Further details will follow.

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