Éric Duhaime silent on the causes of major forest fires

The leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec (PCQ), Éric Duhaime, does not want to take a position on the role of global warming in the large forest fires because the “time is badly chosen to debate these issues”.

“Out of respect for the people who are evacuated, out of respect for the firefighters who are doing an extraordinary job, we should focus on putting out the fires first and foremost,” he said Thursday.

Mr. Duhaime therefore did not want to say whether he agreed with the words of the former leader of the PCQ, Adrien Pouliot. On Tuesday, the latter wrote on Twitter that it was “bullshit” to assert, as experts do, that the climate crisis would increase the number and intensity of forest fires.

On social networks, he stuck to words of encouragement towards the affected populations without ever reacting to the many comments from his supporters to the effect that global warming does not exist.

“On both political sides, on both poles, there are people who try to take political advantage of a tragedy. Fires must be extinguished first and foremost. »

“Dangerous” decision on anti-abortion event

The politician made these remarks during his assessment of the parliamentary session which is due to end on Friday. He denounced the “arrogance of the government” in particular in the file of the increase in the wages of the deputies and the abandonment of the third link.

Éric Duhaime also criticized Minister Caroline Proulx’s “dangerous” decision to cancel an anti-abortion event at the Center des Congrès. “For me, there is a fundamental principle in the history of Quebec, it is democracy and freedom of expression, it is part of our democracy. »

Any event should be able to take place at the Convention Center unless it is organized by a criminal organization, he said, giving the example of an outlaw motorcycle gang.

On another subject, the PCQ indicated that it had collected 17,000 signatures with its petition demanding the resignation of MP Éric Caire. This is still below the minimum target of 19,714 names he had given himself but Mr Duhaime said the campaign was continuing.

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