Éric Duhaime challenges François Legault to reveal his mistakes

(Quebec) Éric Duhaime challenged his CAQ opponent to reveal the mistakes he made in managing the pandemic. The leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec (PCQ) held his first press conference at the start of the election outside his campaign office in the riding of Chauveau.

Updated yesterday at 5:29 p.m.

Mylene Crete

Mylene Crete
The Press

“An election campaign is first and foremost obviously an opportunity for the population to pass judgment on the record of the outgoing government, and the government of François Legault, as for me, is not very good” , he said during a press scrum punctuated by honking.

“I’m glad he’s coming out of his ivory tower,” he added. He won’t be able to hide much longer. Dozens of fans gathered in the small parking lot where a barbecue was held to mark the occasion.

In health, Éric Duhaime noted that 800,000 Quebecers are still waiting for a family doctor, that the government “has piled up the worst deficits in the history of Quebec”, that a few days before the start of the school year, schools are still looking for teachers and that classes are still without air purifiers.

A few hours earlier, François Legault had admitted during his first press conference that he “was not perfect” and that he “made mistakes”.

What mistakes did he make? What are the mistakes that Mr. Legault is ready to admit that he made during the health crisis? And is the fact that today he no longer does anything because his mistake was to take too many sanitary measures?

Éric Duhaime, leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec

He was thus responding to the criticism formulated earlier by his CAQ opponent to the effect that certain parties had taken advantage of people’s fatigue with health measures “to win votes”.

Éric Duhaime defended himself from using the dissatisfaction of part of the population with the curfew, the health passport and the wearing of a mask to win votes. He accused the outgoing Prime Minister of having divided the population between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

The former host of Radio X and FM 93 campaigns on respect for individual freedoms. He nevertheless believes that the means to lighten the burden of inflation will form the central question of this election. The PCQ promises to lower taxes and suspend the gas tax, like Ontario, to give households a boost.

Four years ago, the party I currently lead didn’t have the funds we have, didn’t have 125 candidates, didn’t have a campaign bus, wasn’t even considered and it wasn’t Above all, there were no journalists covering what he was doing.

Éric Duhaime, leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec

He believes that his political party is now well positioned to make a breakthrough in the National Assembly. Two activist rallies in the past week have drawn record crowds. “We are where we wanted to be,” he said.

Threats against a volunteer

A volunteer was threatened by a man armed with a knife, according to the Conservative Party of Quebec, in Montreal on the night of Saturday to Sunday, while he was installing electoral signs in the riding of Rosemont. The Montreal Police Department confirms having arrested a man who allegedly uttered verbal threats against a person affiliated with a political party without being able to specify whether he was in possession of a knife. He was released with a promise to appear. This event occurred a few days after the verbal attack against the federal Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland, in Alberta. In a press scrum on Sunday, Conservative leader Éric Duhaime condemned all forms of violence against politicians.

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