Eric Coquerel and David Amiel will be co-rapporteurs for the flash mission which will begin in September

Auditions will be held every Tuesday until the end of October. They will concern three sectors in particular: energy, fuel and maritime freight.

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The deputy La France insoumise (LFI) Éric Coquerel and that of the majority (LREM) David Amiel will be the two co-rapporteurs of the flash mission on the taxation of superprofits, learned franceinfo at the LFI summer university in the Drome.

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Launched by the new Finance Committee of the National Assembly, chaired by Eric Coquerel, this flash mission should begin at the beginning of September and end at the end of October. Auditions will be held every Tuesday. They will concern three sectors in particular: energy, fuel and maritime freight.

Since July, on the occasion of the examination of the amending budget for 2022, the question of a tax on the profits of large companies which have benefited from the post-Covid economic recovery and inflation is emerging in the ranks of the ‘Assembly. In 2022, the French group TotalEnergies more than doubled its net profit in the second quarter, with 5.7 billion euros in profits. The oil giant is accused of profiting from the war in Ukraine, while fuel prices weigh on the budget of motorists.

LFI has also launched a petition to introduce a tax on superprofits, narrowly rejected in Parliament in early August, during the examination of the amending finance bill for 2022.

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